呼吸道病毒是人类最常见的致病因子, 对全世界的发病率(疾病/疾病)和死亡率(死亡)有重大影响, mainly in children (Science Direct). 虽然有数百种不同的病毒可以被认为是呼吸道病毒, 我们希望为您提供以下最新更新的一个地方, more prevalent, respiratory illnesses in our community.
如果你在家里做过测试,结果是阳性的,请填写一份 Positive Home Test Report. There is no need to call if you complete this form unless you have specific questions that you need answered. If you have questions about reporting or need to speak to someone please call (573)335-7846 and ask for a contact tracer.
Positive Home Test Report |
保护你和你的社区安全的最好方法是接种疫苗. 开普吉拉多县公共卫生中心现在正在为6个月及以上的儿童接种疫苗.
We follow the 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的指导方针 但我们建议个人尽职调查,并与您的医疗保健提供者交谈, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, 以确保您获得有关COVID-19疫苗接种的最佳指导, its safety and effectiveness.
The FDA requires that vaccine recipients or their caregivers are provided with vaccine-specific information to help make an informed decision about vaccination. 这些信息可以在FDA网站上的情况说明书中找到: COVID-19 Vaccines. For COVID-19 Vaccination Clinical & Professional Resources, click here.
CDC recommends the 2023-2024 COVID-19 updated vaccine for everyone 6 months and older to protect against serious illness (notice). 从2024年2月28日起,他们还建议65岁及以上的成年人接受一种 additional updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine dose (notice). The updated vaccines – from Pfizer and Moderna ——更密切地针对目前流行的冠状病毒毒株. Here are 5 things to know 为避免对疫苗产生误解,并提供有关信息 vaccine access. To find vaccines near you, visit vaccines.gov.
The Cape Girardeau County Public Health Center currently offers the Moderna vaccine for people ages 12 and up. To schedule your vaccine, please contact us. 如果您的孩子是农村卫生诊所的病人,请致电573-335-2229预约.
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The most effective strategies to protect against the spread of COVID-19 continues to include testing. Anyone with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested, regardless of vaccination status or prior infection. Make sure you test at the right time with this guidance:
即使你没有症状或最近接触过COVID-19,检测也会有所帮助, such as before an event or visiting someone at higher risk of severe illness. In those cases, test as close to the time of the event/visit as possible (at least within 1-2 days) to help you make informed decisions about your health and your risk of spreading COVID-19 to others.
For more information, visit Getting a COVID-19 Test or find a community-based testing site near you. 如果您有家用检测试剂盒,请务必查看FDA的网站(here)查看您的COVID-19测试的有效期是否已延长. 没有保险的有症状或暴露的人可以使用这种方法 Testing Locator to search for a no-cost COVID-19 testing option.
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There are many ways your actions can help protect you, your household, and your community from severe illness from COVID-19. CDC’s COVID-19 hospital admission levels – which replaced COVID-19 Community Levels – provide information about the amount of severe illness in the community where you are located to help you decide when to take action to protect yourself and others.
For additional prevention strategies, visit the CDC's How To Protect Yourself and Others.
Be familiar with the common symptoms associated with COVID-19. If you're feeling sick, stay home and away from others (including those you live with who are not sick) and do your part to prevent the spread of your respiratory virus. Seek health care promptly for testing and/or treatment if you have risk factors for severe illness.
这些治疗方案可能有助于降低你患严重疾病的风险: COVID-19 Treatments and Medications.
Seasonal flu vaccines are designed to protect against infection and illness caused by the flu viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming flu season. How well flu vaccines work (or their ability to protect against a certain outcome) can vary from season to season. One factor in its effectiveness is how well the vaccines “match” the flu viruses spreading in the community.
The U.S. 2023-2024 flu vaccines were updated to include the strains that are most likely to circulate during this year’s flu season. 它们的疫苗病毒组成与2023年南半球流感疫苗相似, and are single-dose quadrivalent vaccines (4 components). All updated vaccines have also been proven safe and effective for people with any form of an egg allergy (last year, 有额外的安全措施来给鸡蛋过敏的人接种疫苗).
Flu vaccines do not protect against infection and illness caused by other viruses that also can cause flu-like symptoms, such as COVID-19, RSV, or the common cold. It is safe and effective to receive multiple immunizations例如流感和COVID-19疫苗,在同一疫苗接种预约期间. Check with your healthcare provider if you have questions about getting multiple vaccinations at one time. To see the specific benefits of the flu vaccine, click here.
Everyone age 6 months and older should receive a flu vaccine dose each year, with limited exceptions. 以保护那些患严重流感并发症风险较高的人, it is especially important if you are: 65 and older, pregnant, a child 5 and younger, an adult with certain chronic conditions (e.g. asthma, heart disease, diabetes).
The U.S. 2023-2024年,开普吉拉多县公共卫生中心提供流感疫苗. Flu community clinics – including drive-thru – are offered to the public during the months of October and November with no appointment necessary (check our calendar for clinic events). To schedule your vaccine otherwise, please contact us.
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有许多测试可用于检测呼吸道样本中的流感病毒. However, while your doctor may test you for flu, 并不是每个有流感样症状的人都会去看医生. After evaluating you, your doctor may choose to diagnose you with flu without the need for testing based on your symptoms and his or her own clinical judgement. Please visit Diagnosing Flu for more information.
The best way to reduce your risk 预防季节性流感及其潜在的严重并发症是每年接种疫苗. 为了防止细菌传播的日常预防措施, click here.
"On average, 26.每年有800万美国人感染流感."
大多数流感患者病情轻微,不需要医疗护理或抗病毒药物. If you have flu symptoms, in most cases, 你应该呆在家里,避免与其他人接触,除非去看医生. For more information about what to do if you get sick, click here.
If, however, 你患严重流感并发症的风险更高,你会出现流感症状, check with your doctor promptly. 患流感并发症风险较高的人群包括幼儿, adults 65 years of age and older, pregnant people, 还有患有哮喘等疾病的人, diabetes and heart disease.
抗病毒药物可作为治疗手段,但如果及早使用效果最好, such as 1-2 days after flu symptoms begin. For people at higher risk of serious flu complications, treatment with influenza antiviral drugs can mean the difference between milder or more serious illness possibly resulting in a hospital stay.
针对呼吸道合胞病毒的免疫接种可以帮助预防严重疾病, hospitalization, and death for infants, toddlers, and older adults – groups who are most at-risk.
"RSV can also cause other serious infections, such as bronchiolitis, which causes lung inflammation, and pneumonia, which is a severe lung infection. RSV is the most common cause of these serious infections in children younger than 1 year of age."
老年人可在吉拉多角县卫生中心接种呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗. 任何对RVS疫苗感兴趣的人都应该向他们的医生咨询指导. For older adults, a written order from their physician will be needed to receive the vaccine at our health center. 请安排您的疫苗并确保可用 contact us.
Schedule Vaccine Appointment |
大多数感染呼吸道合胞病毒的人会有轻微的疾病,并在一两周内康复. However, some people – infants and young children, and older adults – are more likely to develop severe RSV infection and may need to be hospitalized.
感染呼吸道合胞病毒的人通常在感染后4至6天内出现症状. Those with symptoms 谁患严重疾病的风险更高,应该咨询他们的医疗保健提供者. 有几种类型的实验室检测可用于确认呼吸道合胞病毒感染.
记住,RSV是一种常见的呼吸道病毒,通常会引起轻微的类似感冒的症状. 然而,这对婴儿、幼儿和老年人来说可能是危险的.
为那些最易患严重疾病的人提供最好的预防, is through immunizations recently recommended by the CDC. For others, everyday preventive actions can reduce the spread of RSV.
通常不建议使用抗病毒药物来对抗感染. 大多数呼吸道合胞病毒感染会在一两周内自行消失. For steps to relieve symptoms, click here.
Infants, young children, and older adults with symptoms should check with their doctor promptly. If you or your child is having difficulty breathing, not drinking enough fluids, or experiencing worsening symptoms, see a doctor urgently.